Other Karaoke Brands. The word "sing" above the crowd.

Other Karaoke Brands

This section will deal with “other karaoke brands” (labels). Some of the karaoke discs on this page are obscure, and you will find it hard to come across them.

We also have a few karaoke labels here that require more information. So, if you have any scrap of information about any karaoke label we list on this page, let us know.

Indeed, if you have any information about any of the labels in our karaoke directory that you think we have missed, let us know so we can update the pages.

Other Karaoke Brands - Sovereign Grace Ministries - SGM001 Front Cover.

This page exists because we usually only allow labels to have a unique page if they release two CDGs or more. However, we include the odd karaoke label that requires more information before it gets an info page.

After sifting through mountains of data, we found that there seemed to be numerous one-off karaoke discs. So, we shall list those here first. Then, we will show other karaoke brands that need further information.

If you find Karaoke Info is listing these discs wrongly, let us know. Because not many karaoke jockeys (KJs) have these in their songbooks, we have little information about them. Also, if you find other karaoke discs that are not on our lists, we would like to know.

Other Karaoke Discs

The other karaoke discs we know of include the following:

  • ABS Karaoke
  • American Gold Karaoke
  • American Karaoke Company
  • Bad Blue Karaoke
  • Complimentary Karaoke
  • Dreamworks (SHREK2 Karaoke)
  • Newfoundland Karaoke
  • Rhino Records Karaoke
  • Sire Records Karaoke
  • Sovereign Grace Ministries Karaoke
  • Star Struck Records Karaoke
  • Ultrasonics Karaoke
  • A#1 Karaoke
  • Current Hits Karaoke

The following PDF file shows the song titles and original artists for the labels above.

Of course, you may download the list of other karaoke labels above. Tell us if you have any “one-off” karaoke labels not on our list. However, ensure you search our website first because we may list them under the umbrella of a related manufacturer.

To Sum Up

We compiled the above lists from information provided by Karaoke Info staff, members, and visitors. However, we all have an interest in any other one-off karaoke discs. So, if you know of any, please let us know. Once we get the information, we will add it to the list.

American Gold Karaoke CDG Label - AG1001 Disc.

In brief, if you have any information about any other karaoke brands, please send us the following:

  • Images of the karaoke labels. For example, the front and back covers and the CDG itself.
  • Contents of the individual disc, or, in other words, what songs are on it.
  • Further information about the karaoke firm behind the CDG.
  • Of course, you can do this for any karaoke label in our directory.

Furthermore, if you possess any discs from our list above, let us know what you think of them. In other words, leave a review. Then, future karaoke disc collectors can decide if it is worth the time, effort, and money to go and find them.

Finally, there is no voting available for the one-off karaoke discs. However, please check out all the karaoke labels in our directory and rate them separately. Of course, doing this will make it clear to other karaoke disc collectors that some karaoke brands are worth collecting. You can also comment on this section below or in the Karaoke Forum.

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