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Helluvadisc Karaoke Introduction

The Helluvadisc Karaoke series is a collection of 11 discs. However, this is another firm that no longer makes karaoke, so look at our review and see if you need these discs in your collection.

We shouted out for information about the Helluvadisc Karaoke Series. But we got confusing reports back.

Indeed, a few said that there are 13 discs in this set. However, we didn’t get proof of any discs after disc 9. Because of the confusion, we felt a label was necessary to confirm things.

Helluvadisc Karaoke - HV0001 - H0001.

We didn’t get a label, so we show the 11 discs below. However, should proof come along, we will immediately update the lists.

Also, note that the first disc in this set, HV01, is the same as AH8022 from All Hits Karaoke. We do not have those discs to confirm that information.

In addition, we are unsure whether the A and B discs came out together as a joint release. In other words, were they in one CD package? Once we get further information, we will adjust where necessary. So, let us know if you have anything to add.

Helluvadisc Karaoke Discs

To clarify things, here is the list of disc IDs from the Helluvadisc Karaoke series:

  • HV01**
  • HV02
  • HV03
  • HV04
  • HV05
  • HV06A
  • HV06B
  • HV07A
  • HV07B
  • HV08
  • HV09

** This disc is identical to All Hits AH8022.

Helluvadisc Karaoke Review

Helluvadisc Karaoke. HV0003 Disc. Skull and cross bones label.

The label’s name suggests that our review might involve heavy metal songs.

However, with Barry White and Paul Simon on our sample list, it confirms it’s not all heavy music. There is an odd heavy metal karaoke song, but we never tested any of them.

We liked the splash screens with the label name at the top. That name has many shadow colours but is effective. The song title also appeared with the artist.

Soon, the dark backdrop became the board for white lyrics. In turn, the words became pink as the music progressed.

The choice of backing music was fair, but better versions are available on other labels. Also, most of the sample tracks we tested didn’t sync well, but one did!

We found the artwork on the discs interesting, and we loved them.

Karaoke Song Sample

Although we may use numerous songs for the review, we only provide one sample video to represent the label. So, the song sample for our video presentation is HV06B-12 – Village People – YMCA.

Our Verdict

  • On-screen Lyrics: 2.5
  • Music Content: 3.5
  • Splash Screen, Graphics, Video: 3.5
  • Cover Art: 3.5
  • Overall Average: 3.25
  • Music And Lyrics Average: 3

We gave this collection 3 out of 5 in the rating system below. You can also vote for these, even if you don’t have the discs or tracks. Indeed, all you need to do is watch our presentation video above and judge that.

Desirability Factor

In the grand scheme of things, we can’t recommend this collection. Of course, they will be sufficient for gigging and home use. However, there are better alternatives available.

Feedback from our members so far tells us that this label might disappoint, and we agree. That isn’t surprising because of the link to the All Hits label. That also scored poorly.

There are also many variants of the disc label. Indeed, one disc seems to have three different CDG labels.

HV0006A Disc.

However, it’s not what the official CDG label looks like. It’s the karaoke tracks that we are all interested in.

So, a little dabble on eBay may be worthwhile if you like what is on the discs. That’s if you can find them, of course!

We Welcome Your Feedback

This set is pretty old, so expect some marks and scratches to the disc surface if you buy it on the second-hand market. Be that as it may, you should always ask about the condition before buying!

Should you have these discs or still work with them, please comment below about your experiences. We are particularly looking at the quality of the Helluvadisc Karaoke Series because we can’t possibly test every karaoke track. Your feedback and valuable review will help karaoke collectors decide whether they want these discs in their collection.

Helluvadisc Karaoke Songbook

We are still confused about the possible existence of another disc or two. So, we can only provide a song list for those we know to exist. We have all the tracks from those discs in the list above. In short, click the link below for the Helluvadisc Karaoke Songbook.

Rate The Helluvadisc Karaoke Label

Finally, if you have any experience with discs or tracks from this Helluvadisc collection, please leave a review here or in the Karaoke Forum. You can also use the star rating system below, even if you only use our presentation video as a guide. Indeed, by doing this, you can help others decide whether these discs are worth buying!

Overall Rating

The ratings here represent your score and our score combined. So, make sure you have your say.

4.3 out of 5 stars (based on 4 reviews)
Very good25%

Independent Reviews

The following reviews are independent and not necessarily the views of the Karaoke Info staff. However, they may help you decide whether to buy or avoid them.

Official Review By Julie: Helluvadisc Karaoke.

August 26, 2014

Hi, my name is Julie, and I conducted the original karaoke review above. Whether you agree or disagree, you can leave your review below.

Avatar for Julie Porter
Julie Porter


June 12, 2019

There might not be too many discs in this Helluvadisc collection, but they pack a punch on the music front.

Avatar for Joe Devine
Joe Devine

A hit or miss?

January 29, 2018

I gave them five stars out of five. So, in my humble opinion, they are a hit.

Avatar for Caroline Durham
Caroline Durham

Good collection of karaoke songs.

December 3, 2017

Avatar for Guest 69
Guest 69

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