Big Hits Karaoke logo 10.

Big Hits Karaoke Introduction

Before we begin, this page mostly refers to the commercial discs from Big Hits Karaoke. However, we also have information about the digital collection for your convenience.

The Big Hits Karaoke label continues to make sing-along songs. That is unlike the vast majority that have folded. However, don’t confuse this label with Big Hitz Karaoke. That karaoke label also died off. The difference is the letters “s” and “z” at the end of the word “hits.”.

Big Hits Karaoke is an Australian firm, but there seems to be a link to Sunfly Karaoke. However, more information is necessary. Therefore, tell us what you know about the firm. Indeed, this is the reviews page, so why not review the karaoke discs here if you have any?

BHK068 Front Cover.

Big Hits certainly looks to be selling downloadable tracks now. So maybe new karaoke discs from this firm are unavailable unless you burn a copy. So, if you should run karaoke shows using discs, you can learn how to burn a karaoke disc.

Because downloadable tracks from Big Hits are available, we have transformed the discs to digital, too. Therefore, you can now collect the discs and digital collections. Indeed, you may want to convert your disc collection to digital and continue with their downloadable tracks. Of course, you can use our songbooks to find the correct method.

Big Hits Karaoke Discs

To clarify, here is a list of the discs we know about so far:

You may download the list of discs above, but the songbooks are for members only. So, why not consider joining us?

Big Hits Karaoke Review

Let’s start with the splash screen, which gives us all the necessary information about the track. You get the song title, writers and date.

BHK Logo 08.

As well as that, half the screen has the manufacturer’s details. The end splash screen is identical, but at least they show something!

Musically, these tracks are sound and of decent quality. Not only that, but the lyrics sync well and match the beat. They are also large, bold and perfectly legible.

Our samples show us that the Big Hits Karaoke label is consistent throughout. In other words, our sample tracks had a black background. The on-screen lyrics were yellow and turned red as the song progressed.

The logo is acceptable with what looks like a clenched fist inside a circle. Although they don’t vary their artwork much, that is just about acceptable!

Karaoke Sample

Although we may use numerous songs for the review, we only provide one sample video to represent the label. So, the song sample for our video presentation is BHK 019-02 – Enrique Iglesias featuring Usher and Lil Wayne – Dirty Dancer.

Our Verdict

  • On-screen Lyrics: 4
  • Music Content: 4
  • Splash Screen, Graphics, Video: 3
  • Cover Art: 3
  • Overall Average: 3.5
  • Music And Lyrics Average: 4

We gave this collection 4 out of 5 in the rating system below. You can also vote for these, even if you don’t have the discs or tracks. Indeed, all you need to do is watch our presentation video above and judge that.

Desirability Factor

Big Hits Karaoke is still giving us beautiful karaoke to this day. We can only commend them for doing that and brightening up our lives. They got a respectable score in our review. So yes, this is a very desirable karaoke label.

To Sum Up

A karaoke manufacturer still producing discs has to be good news. That is because most karaoke labels bit the dust many moons ago. To repeat, Karaoke Info will always promote active karaoke producers. Therefore, we encourage you to go to the official websites and purchase their discs or tracks.

Further feedback will always be welcome for this karaoke label. So, let us know what you think about the quality of the tracks.

While Big Hits Karaoke is still an active company, the price of the new albums and tracks will remain constant. However, the second-hand market for older recordings is where the bargains will be.

So, although we recommend that karaoke collectors purchase these newer discs, we still require feedback on this label. You can tell us how they sound and all about the graphics, etc. For speed, you can also use our 5-star rating system below.

BHK001 - Front Cover.

That will help those wishing to advance their collection using this karaoke manufacturer.

Big Hits Karaoke Songbooks (Discs & Digital)

It’s fantastic to see a karaoke maker still in action. Indeed, this is what we have with Big Hits Karaoke. Of course, after releasing over 70 karaoke discs, Big Hits can congratulate themselves. Moreover, the staff at the Karaoke Info website appreciates this. That is because we support all karaoke firms.

So, look at the discs above in awe. However, we need a songbook to accompany them. But, as ever, we have this on the next page. There are three different songbooks available in both disc and digital form.

To inspect the Big Hits Karaoke Songbooks, click the link below.

Rate This Karaoke Label

Finally, if you have any experience with discs or tracks from this Big Hits collection, please leave a review here or in the Karaoke Forum. You can also use the star rating system below, even if you only use our presentation video as a guide. Indeed, by doing this, you can help others decide whether these discs are worth buying!

Overall Rating

The ratings here represent your score and our score combined. So, make sure you have your say.

4.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
Very good50%

Independent Reviews

The following reviews are independent and not necessarily the views of the Karaoke Info staff. However, they may help you decide whether to buy or avoid them.

Official Review By Bobby: Big Hits Karaoke.

August 21, 2014

Hi, my name is Bobby, and I conducted the original karaoke review above. Whether you agree or disagree, you can leave your review below.

Avatar for Bobby Thompson
Bobby Thompson

I like this karaoke label.

February 4, 2018

Although your review was fair, I would say that this karaoke label is excellent. I gave this karaoke label 5 out of 5 for the effort.

Avatar for Victoria

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Leave your thoughts and opinions about this karaoke label here. Before doing that, please use the yellow star rating button and give marks out of five. There is also a comments section below for other remarks.

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